Immersive Product Marketing Breakfast

Juha Aarikka
November 28, 2019

We are proud to invite you to experience the future of product marketing.

Together with our partner Macwell Creative we are excited to host a morning filled with different immersive product marketing experiences we have recently created.

On the morning of December 10th, 2019 you will get the opportunity to experience Glue
-based multi-user product marketing experiences we have created for Microsoft, Fazer, Maillefer and Patria. There will also be a complimentary breakfast served while you are exploring these immersive virtual showcases.

The event takes place between 09.00 and 12.00 at Pikseli Virtual Reality park located in the Redi shopping mall in Helsinki. (address: Hermannin rantatie 5, 00580 Helsinki)


Ready to learn more about team engagement in VR?

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